Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 8...Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies

January 7...Playtime

January 6...Chicken wing dissection

January 5...Read-aloud with Tonks

January 4...Clara's Creations

January 3..One of my favorite birthday presents

January 2...Meet Tonks


  1. Janette, this is awesome! Would you like to join the group that I'm doing it with? My sister-in-law started it, and a couple of my cousins are in it, but I don't know the other people. Several have invited friends to join, and you would most definitely be welcome!

  2. Oh, the pressure! :o) Sure, I'd love to join. I don't know how great my pictures will be, but maybe it will help me stick with it. What do I need to do?

  3. No pressure! There is a facebook group that has all of the urls for the participants. I will add you there, and you will get an invitation, and then after you look at it you can tell me if it is as clear as mud, or if you have specific questions. I like the blogroll option on blogger for seeing who has updated posts. It's nice to check the others out and comment when you can, but not required. If you have to play catchup sometimes, it's no biggie. These are so fun, Janette. You will do great! And seriously, red velvet cc cookies??? Wow!

  4. That piece for Jan 3 is awesome. And your puppy is very cute!
