Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 17...321/365

The new desk we bought when we were at IKEA a few weeks ago.  It folds down flat against the wall when not in use.  Since we have lots of recipes that we have saved on the laptop and use lots of online recipes, we wanted a place close to the kitchen action where we can safely put it for reference.  I am excited about this.  (obviously a little wall repair coming since the desk doesn't work with the chair rail there.  I'm worried about what Matt's going to do to "fix" this, and I'll guarantee it happens while I'm in India and can't say a thing about it...


  1. That's very cool! That's partly why my computer lives on our dining room table now--how I would LOVE a kitchen with a desk. When do you leave?

  2. December 30-- and home January 8. Getting excited (and a little nervous, too)

  3. I've always wanted a kitchen desk. And India!! I'm more than jealous!

  4. I can see where you would be both of those. That will be incredible.
