Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17...290/3635

After a two-year battle with Spelling/Handwriting, the unthinkable happened...Zane scored 100% on his spelling test!!!!  I had tried everything...crazy rhymes and pictures, cheers with hand motions, notecards with words in different colors for certain name it, I tried it.  This year I decided to try an experiment.  15 minutes of Spelling City EVERY DAY plus the homework his teacher assigns.  If there are certain tricky words we are sure to discuss them, but otherwise it's up to him to learn them.  Usually on the pre-test he brings home on Monday he only gets about half the words correct.  Our goal is to miss 2 or less.  Last Friday he finally reached his goal with a perfect 100%!!!  It was a reason to CELEBRATE  at the Brown house.  We took a trip to FroYo (a new Frozen Yogurt place) for a special treat.  Zane--we are proud of your hard work!!! Love you, Bubba :o)